

公司目前主要的市场集中在北美,由于疫情在美國(guó)的继续蔓延,同时美联储一再的量化宽松政策影响,总统约瑟夫.拜登上台后将继续推行《纾困法案》继续发动印钞机印钱,美國(guó)人普遍储蓄率较低,许多(duō)年轻一代的美國(guó)人普遍没有(yǒu)储蓄的观念,负债率逐年上涨,手里的可(kě)支配收入平均低于400 美元,由于目前疫情仍没有(yǒu)完全被控制住,所以很(hěn)难确保接下来的这一年能(néng)顺利过渡,美國(guó)政府预计还会进行额外几轮的量化宽松直至经济恢复增長(cháng),预计今年下半年跨境電(diàn)商(shāng)依旧可(kě)以保持一个较為(wèi)平稳的高速增長(cháng)。因此上半年的提前布局很(hěn)大程度上会对下半年的销售造成较大的影响。 唯非在去年取得了可(kě)观的营销业绩,这与唯非提前的布局直接相关。从去年年初开始,...

Festivals Season in Canada: Our Concierges Picks


It’s summer time and with it comes Festival season! Our concierges across the country give you their recommendations for a great time, wherever you are. Calgary Folk Music Festival The Calgary Folk Music Festival is the consistently one of the best Festivals held in Calgary. Celebrating its 37...

Bring Coastal Christmas Cheer to Your Office


Perhaps you’re looking for fresh ideas to amp up the yuletide spirit in your office this year—something other than the usual Christmas party and karaoke session. Making the holidays special for your employees is a wonderful way to boost team morale, keep staff motivated, and build a sense of camarad...